
How to Find a Good Primary Care Doctor

Find a doctor with expertise that meets your health needs, the primary care provider you select should be one that fits with your needs on multiple levels. This doctor is the one you and your family will see most often. He or she will be the one who refers you to specialists and gets to know you especially well. You want to find a medical provider who is conveniently located, shares your healthcare philosophies, has a friendly bedside manner, and takes your health insurance.

Conveniently Located

How to choose a specialist doctor, this may be a practical point, but it is an important one. When you get sick, you want a primary care provider who is relatively close to your home. When you or one of your kids comes down with strep throat, you don’t want to have to drive across town in traffic to get a prescription for antibiotics. You also want a practitioner who has hospital privileges at a nearby medical facility so you can get there quickly, if you need to.

Shares Your Philosophies

Do you believe in alternative medical treatments? Are you someone who believes in the interconnections of mind/body/spirit? Then you want to find an M.D. who shares your philosophical beliefs. When you’re on the same page as your doctor, it makes healthcare choices much easier.

Bedside Manner

Having a kind and friendly bedside manner is very important. A primary care provider can be an amazing diagnostician, but if he or she isn’t able to communicate easily with patients, it can be a deal breaker. As per Platinum Care LA you want a doctor who listens, is compassionate, and takes time to talk to you about illness and treatment options. Having a warm and personable doctor isn’t just a nice perk; it can actually enhance your well-being. When you know your doctor will understand and be helpful, you’re more likely to schedule an appointment to discuss your ailments.


This is another practical detail, but an oh-so-important one. Not all doctors take all insurance plans. Find out in advance whether a potential primary care provider accepts your plan. You don’t want to be stuck with a huge bill because you misunderstood his or her insurance acceptance policies. If you don’t have healthcare coverage, ask if the doctor accepts credit cards or payment plans if you’d like flexibility in your financial options.

The person you choose to be your primary care provider is an important person in your life. This medical doctor will be overseeing much of your healthcare, including referring you to specialists when that’s necessary. This provider will be the one to see you and each member of your family through sickness and preventative care. Choose one who is conveniently located, shares your philosophies, takes your insurance, and has a kind bedside manner. Your health depends on it.